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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. The production and disposal of plastics also release carbon emissions. The Action Plan includes policy commitments around the introduction of separate food waste collections and implementation of emerging government legislation on consistency in collections and deposit return schemes. 8 Food The authority recognises that the potential impact of more sustainable food policies can…

… to creating a fair deal for consumers by protecting the fuel poor, providing opportunities to save money on bills and balancing investment against bill impacts. 3. Sustainable Warmth: protecting vulnerable households in England February 2021 A household is in fuel poverty if they are on a lower income and unable to heat their home for a reasonable cost. The Fuel Poverty Strategy for England sets…

…, energy, sustainability and carbon understanding needs to be embedded in the whole authority, across staff and systems. Increasingly specialist skills will be needed around energy systems. Climate change should be central to Elected Member and Senior Director training. • Develop capacity to innovate and scale up. Climate change action plans help identify future delivery projects for when funding…


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