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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Halton Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… quality standards. Ongoing Environmental Health Team PH8 Advocate for health-in-all policy making and prioritisation of public health across the council; specifically promoting systematic consideration of public health implications and health impacts of the council’s sustainability actions, and promoting targeting of areas/groups in need and alleviation rather than exacerbation of health…

… inequalities. March 2023 Consultant in Public Health; Climate Change Advisory Group public health representative(s); commissioning leads PH9 Build awareness and understanding within the council and more widely of the public health implications of climate change and the potential co-benefits to health and wellbeing from adaptation and mitigation sustainability actions. December 2022 Consultant…

… Divisional Manager Planning 18 EDUCATION, INCLUSION & PROVISION. Action to be taken Time frame for Delivery Council Lead E1 To continue working with colleagues in Transport Co-ordination to promote the Council’s Home to School Travel & Transport Policy ensuring sustainable modes of transport are the preferred choice. Reviewed Annually Interim Operational Director: Education…

…. August 2026 Capital Programme Officer E5 Undertake a programme of roof replacement works in Halton schools, including the provision of insulation in roof spaces where appropriate. Ongoing Capital Programme Officer E6 To develop existing programmes of sustainable modes of travel to school. Ongoing Road Safety Co-ordinator 19 PUBLIC HEALTH Action to be taken Time frame for Delivery Council…

… Lead PH1 Examine carbon emissions from public health service work to identify areas for improvements in terms of decarbonisation and increasing sustainability. March 2023 Consultant in Public Health; Public Health registrar; Foundation Doctors PH2 Advocate for and work towards reducing carbon footprint within programmes and services e.g. through building localisation of products…


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