Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
… and assets 1.3 Prioritise our asset base on sustainability, looking to dispose or intervene in unsustainable assets Reduce emissions from council buildings and assets 1.4 Develop a policy setting out sustainable design, construction and refurbishment standards for our assets Reduce emissions from council buildings and assets 1.5 Develop a sustainable building maintenance policy, including supply chain…
… an approach to considering whole lifecycle embodied carbon to enable good decision making Ensure sustainable development 1.17 Work with energy and water contracts to ensure security of supply and support in managing need and waste Make Kingston resilient to the impacts of climate change 1.18 Develop a sequestration project to look at where and how we can offset our carbon footprint more locally, working…
… Programme to be net zero carbon.This must include at least a 35% reduction in on-site carbon dioxide emissions against Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations, of which there must be at least a 10% reduction from energy efficiency measures Ensure sustainable development 2.3 No new council-led schemes will be designed with gas boilers Ensure sustainable development 2.4 Lead the promotion of purchasing…
… Ensure sustainable development 2.19 Require design teams to confirm they are signed up to RIBA to ensure that carbon is monitored post-occupancy Ensure sustainable development 2.20 Meet the national construction carbon reduction targets and requirements for large scale developments at time of planning approval per development phase Minimise emissions from developments and buildings 2.21 Develop…
… sustainable development 7.21 Deliver Urban Greening Factor requirement for relevant development in line with London Plan, ensuring that maintenance plans for green infrastructure secured by planning condition Protect and improve our natural environment, including enhancing biodiversity 7.22 Implement and monitor the requirements emerging from the introduction of Biodiversity Net Gain Protect and improve…