… to end its use of single use plastics Councils wish to end its use of single use plastics April 2021 Under review – include in wider Sustainable Procurement Policy – draft for presentation to CN2030 Working Group. Apply to all activities undertaken by us, including contracted out services as new contracts are negotiated Include in all new contracts the Councils aim to reduce/eliminate its Carbon…
… Footprint. April 2021 In-place – reference made to CN2030 Action Plan, although ideally need a stronger environmental statement in form of Sustainable Procurement Policy – see above. Minimise our impacts of travel by using more sustainable travel solutions or alternatives to travel. Encourage the Council’s workforce and enable them to take action in their workplace. The Council will support its staff…
… by promoting increased awareness, conducting behavioural change programmes, encouraging the use of existing flexible working policies, low carbon and sustainable travel, the use of ICT. Ongoing Policies now in place through flexible working. Encourage car sharing whenever possible Ongoing Is this appropriate now? Ensure environmental risks and opportunities are managed positively To include a section…