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Wiltshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… by trees, soil or captured from factories by specialist technology. However, bearing in mind that nature absorbs carbon dioxide relatively slowly from the atmosphere and that technology to capture it is not yet available at scale, the easiest way to take action is to cut our emissions significantly. This also shifts our energy reliance from finite resources to long-term, sustainable sources…

… Council has been working to reduce its carbon emissions for over a decade with some of the following results: z We cut our carbon footprint by more than 80% between 2015 and 2021 z Thanks to sustained investment in renewables over time, in 2020/21 council-owned solar PV generated 727,097 kWh. Renewable electricity generation on our own estate increased by 39% compared with 2019/20. z…

… and convenient way to get around, and seamless combined journeys z Locating and designing new developments to reduce the need to travel A zero carbon mobility and transport system will: Avoid unnecessary travel – reducing the need to travel through digital options, rationalising and combining journeys and locating services, homes and jobs within reach Shift to more sustainable modes…

… with our climate objectives that will set out plans and policies to help achieve the vision for sustainable mobility and transport in Wiltshire ! Explore how the council can best support infrastructure to encourage the uptake of all types of zero carbon vehicles by Wiltshire residents and businesses, through Wiltshire Council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan and other future…

… on lessons learned in the pandemic and new working patterns, revise and implement the Wiltshire Council travel plan for the council’s 4,500 staff Using our influence and partnerships we will: ! As part of the Local Transport Plan, develop a vision for sustainable mobility and transport in Wiltshire as a basis for the changes needed to achieve zero carbon travel ! Encourage town and parish…


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