Including the closely related terms sustainability, and sustainable approach.
… The scope of this Climate Change Action Plan covers mitigation, Adaptation and sustainability actions (as defined by the Climate Change (Scot- land) Act 2009), addressing both: • The Council’s ‘internal’ impacts and performance - emissions and Adaptation risks associated with the delivery of Council services, and the achievement of the emissions reduction target set out in the Council’s…
… Climate Change Strategy; and • Wider ‘external’ impacts which are influenced but not directly controlled by the Council - emissions, climate risks and wider sustainability issues affecting communities, businesses and the environment across West Dunbartonshire. The proposed actions set out in this Action Plan have been developed and agreed by the Climate Change Action Group…
… Procurement guidance and promote their implementation throughout the Council. • Develop a pilot to review a supply chain stream or procurement exercise for goods or services or contracts/tenders, reviewing overall carbon emissions and environmental impacts from cradle to grave. • Promote a sustainable approach to procurement of appliances and equipment based on energy efficiency and wider…
…, climate Adaptation and wider sustainability actions up to 2045. Deliverables can be amended or revised periodically as national or international climate change measures change, with actions being allocated accordingly. Reviewing Progress It is essential that all Council service areas play their part in implementing this Action Plan, which has been co-produced with involvement from all…
… Climate Change Action Plan CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN Taking action for a net zero future CONTENTS This publication is available digitally and free to download from West Dunbartonshire Council website: and-strategies/sustainable…