Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainable growth.
…. March 2022 June 2021 2 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Sustainable Development Continue to pursue planning policies in the council’s emerging Local Plan that will facilitate the delivery of sustainable development through location, orientation, and design, and through the integration of measures such as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), charging points…
… for electric vehicles, water efficiency and habitat creation. Support, where appropriate, sustainable development which achieves an energy performance better than the regulations through decision-taking on planning applications. Ongoing Ongoing Transport Support the improvement of walking and cycling infrastructure in the borough. Improve the environmental standards…
… it easier for residents to recycle. Continue to reduce waste arisings and increase recycling/composting levels in line with the Kent Resource Partnership Business Plan. Ongoing June 2021 6 THEME TARGET TIMESCALE Community and Business Engagement Support local businesses and encourage sustainable growth in the economy Promote the climate…
…. June 2021 TMBC ESTATE Reduce the environmental impact of the council’s activities, increasing the sustainability of all our operations. Continue to progress review of office accommodation with a view to rationalising the space occupied, to reduce energy usage and reduce carbon emissions. Publish findings. Ongoing June 2021 8 THEME…