Including the closely related term sustainability.
… Emergency in Autumn 2019. Our progress towards achieving the actions set out in this document will be reported via the Council’s annual Sustainability Report in 2021 and covers a 12-month period from January 2021 onwards. Actions that will be undertaken by the Council are split into the following five focus areas: Focus Area One Focus Area Two Focus Area Three Focus Area Four Focus Area Five…
… to fulfilling our Climate Change commitments and moving forward as a ‘Green City’. This will include working with local charities, interest groups and other citizen-led organisations to co- create and deliver solutions that will see Southend prioritise work on climate action and sustainability. 4 Key considerations that help to shape this Green City Action Plan 1. Local…
…); deliver air quality improvements (especially with particulate matter) support new regulations around net-gain for biodiversity; work with developers to increase the uptake of renewable energy schemes; plan for green infrastructure and sustainable drainage; and identify how we can reduce transport emissions. 4. Improving energy efficiency in buildings is a priority action area: One of the most…
… of sustainable energy and support net zero targets. Improvements to indoor air quality will also be integrated into the net zero programme. 5. Transport. Reducing transport emissions in the borough through implementing sustainable travel programmes (e.g. encouraging ‘Smarter Choices’ through car clubs, travel plans, cycling infrastructure etc). Promoting low-carbon vehicles by rolling out electric vehicle…
… charging infrastructure, is another priority action for the Council. These considerations will play a major role in delivering our new Local Transport Plan. Work will need to align with the Air Quality Action Plan and Low Emission Strategy. 6. Waste. This is another key focus area, where we have an important role in waste prevention and sustainable waste management through awareness-raising…