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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related terms develop, development, and sustainability.

1 result

East Staffordshire Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Waste Management 10.2 Encourage and promote the use of garden allotments and use of green spaces for growing food Baseline exercise to determine number and occupancy levels Set % Increase in allotment in use Council & Partners 2030 Open Spaces Planning and Sustainable Development 11.1 Consider the development of a Climate Change SPD as a material consideration…

… in the determination of planning applications to provide high quality sustainable development that minimises the adverse impacts of climate change. Climate Change SPD considered Council 2021 Planning/ Environmental Health 11.2 Investigate viable options for new developments to adapt to a changing climate that would satisfy the requirements of the NPPF, and allow us to develop local plan energy…

… and open spaces and develop an action plan to increase sustainability including the replacement of all lighting with LEDs and increased provision of recycling bins etc. All council lighting to be replaced by LED’s Action Plan completed Council & Partners 2022 2022 Open Spaces 3.3 Work with all contractors to promote the reduction of carbon emissions Information…

… the use of electric vehicles through staff incentives Increase % of staff using electric vehicles Council 2021-2024 HR 5.2 Review the staff travel plan to promote alternative modes of transport to work conducting a staff survey to enable monitoring of effectiveness Increase % of staff commuting to work by sustainable modes of transport Council 2022 HR/ Environmental Health 5.3…

… Review and improve all shower facilities and drying rooms in Council Buildings Increase % of staff commuting to work by sustainable modes of transport Council 2023 Facilities Management 5.4 Consider the installation of EV charging points in staff carparks Increase % of staff using electric vehicles Council 2025 Facilities Management/ Environmental Health 5.5 Consider…


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