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Rossendale Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. 3.2 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT Nearly 30 percent of all carbon emissions are due to transport. Moving to more environmentally sustainable forms of transport will play a signifigant role in reducing overall carbon emissions. This includes replacing older heavily polluting vehicles with newer technologies and people using vehicles less. We will improve our vehicles whilst also promoting healthier…

… St ra te g y C LI M AT E C HA N G E THIS IS A REAL EMERGENCY THAT WE ARE FACING AND WE NEED TO ACT NOW TO PREVENT DEVASTATING IMPACT ON OUR CLIMATE AND OUR LIVES. CONTENTS 0 1 05 - Foreword 02 07 - Introduction 03 09 - Our Commitments Efficient energy consumption Sustainable transport Waste and the Wider…

… Environment Working Together in Partnership 04 17 - Case Studies Efficient energy consumption Sustainable transport East Lancashire Cycleway Waste FOREWORD We are a small borough but we have our part to play – as does every individual who lives here and every business that trades here. As a council, we can take action to make sure that we reach Carbon Zero by 2030 and this strategy sets…

…, and by working with our schools and colleges we can develop new and innovative ways to change behaviour and reduce our collective impact on the environment. We are already doing much to make a positive impact on climate change, such as sustainable transport, recycling and insulating homes. This ambitious strategy goes further than ever before to protect our environment by working together to have…

… aim to reduce that figure significantly. Through its corporate strategy the Council is committed to, and already working towards, a cleaner and greener borough. TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS AND IMPROVE OUR ENVIRONMENT, THE COUNCIL WILL FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Efficient energy consumption; Sustainable transport; Waste and the wider environment; Working together in partnership. Our…


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