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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related terms development, develop, and sustainable future.

1 result

East Hampshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…/detail/e n/MEMO_07_515 UK Climate Change Act UK Government November 2008 s Sustainable development goals 2030 United Nations May 2015 The Paris Agreement/Accord United Nations Committee on Climate Change November 2016 agreement/the-paris…

… and Environment. We lead by tackling our operational direct and indirect emissions. We will work in partnership with the South Downs National Park for sustainable development through Planning policy. And we will take action to support our residents, communities, and businesses to deliver a low-carbon economically vibrant future for East Hampshire. I am determined this strategy will enable everyone…

… and is committed to working locally within our remit to implement this strategy and play our part for a sustainable future. We look forward to working with you as a resident, a partner, a community group, or local enterprise. The Council already works with the South Downs National Park Authority, and Hampshire County Council to align objectives and co-ordinate resources to tackle climate change. We…

… with everyone for a sustainable future. East Hampshire District Council Climate and Environment Strategy 2020-2025 Page 10 of 16 2. About Our Strategy East Hampshire District Council’s Vision East Hampshire District Council will make operations net-zero as soon as reasonably practicable or in any case by 2050. We will work with relevant agencies, partners and communities…

… and lobby government to support this ambition. We will work with our residents, community groups and enterprises towards making East Hampshire a carbon neutral district. We want the district to deliver its part in the wider county, national and international commitments on reducing emissions, and to prepare for the impacts of climate change. We want to achieve an environmentally sustainable


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