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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Surrey County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Local Authority Priorities by 2025 Enabling residents: • Support up to 20% of elderly residents, low income and off gas households to be warm, reduce bills and decarbonise by accessing Sustainable Warmth national grant fundingiii. • Encourage carbon emissions reduction in the private-rented sector by enforcing minimum energy efficiency standards and developing a loan scheme for low…

… carbon improvements. • Accelerate uptake of solar panels to around 10% of residential homes through the Solar Together or similar scheme. • Support a move towards active and sustainable travel through a range of measures set out in the draft Surrey Local Transport Planiv. The role of residents and businesses Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by changing the way they travel…

…, shop, eat and reduce waste. Homeowners, landlords and developers can create energy efficient buildings which use low-carbon heat pumps, and maximise on-site renewable energy. Greener Futures Climate Change Delivery Plan (2021–2025) | 10 E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Enabling Business: • Offer LoCASEv grants to improve the sustainability of small and medium businesses. • Support…

… the creation of job opportunities and job transfers to the green skills market through the development of a Green Skills Academy. Businesses can set ambitious climate reduction targets and offer low carbon goods and services to residents. Communities can work to improve neighbourhoods by supporting community energy, planting trees and maintaining green spaces, active travel, sustainable

… commerce and waste reduction projects. Enabling Communities: • Launch the Community Energy Pathway which provides the skills needed to undertake community energy projects. • Support sustainable community projects through Your Fund Surrey5 and empower the voluntary, community and faith sectors. • Support the creation of local and sustainable options to travel, work and buy goods and services…


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