Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
… citizens using their unique influence to drive change and make an impact. Tackling climate change is part of the United Nations’ global effort on ‘sustainable development’, which means living within the capacity of our planet to support us. United Nations’ member states are working towards 17 sustainable development goals, which will help bring about reduced poverty, better education, improved…
… health, as well as cleaner air, rivers, and seas. Acting on climate change will carry many benefits across the globe. This diagram shows the 17 sustainable development goals. 5 In 2015, many countries across the world, including the United Kingdom, signed the Paris Climate Agreement. The goal of this agreement is to limit global warming to between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius (°C…
… and where it is enjoyable, accessible, and affordable for everyone to travel sustainably every day. We recognise that the council is part of a larger system of change and needs to work with others to achieve a sustainable future for our place. With limited resources, we must prioritise our actions to have greatest impact. We will do this by considering our strengths as an organisation and sphere…
… has further highlighted that only 0.5% of carbon emissions in North East Lincolnshire are the result of activities within our control. We recognise that we are part of a larger system of change and need to work with others to achieve a sustainable future for our place and reduce emissions across our area. 1.9 With limited resources, we must prioritise our actions to have greatest impact…
… in 1.8 above, we have added a further six workstreams where we feel we can drive change and encourage all stakeholders in the area to work together in achieving the 2050 net zero carbon target set by the government: Climate-conscious community: by facilitating and encouraging community engagement and sustainability actions. Low carbon commercial buildings: working as an enabler to ensure…