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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 9 closely related terms such as development, develop, and sustainable development goal.

1 result

East Lothian Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the transition to a low carbon economy”. Sustainable Development Scotland’s NPF outcomes provide context for embedding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into local policy. These goals, also known as the 17 Global Goals9 and the targets which underpin them, “aim to tackle key systematic barriers to sustainable development such as inequality, unsustainable consumption and production…

…%20Background%20Note%202.pdf 22 East Lothian’s Climate Change Strategy is guided by the need to embed the UN Sustainable Development Goals at local level…

… level the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular:  SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities  SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production  SDG 13: Climate Action  SDG 14: Life below Water  SDG 15: Life on Land Climate Ready Scotland: Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme The Scottish Government set out its second programme of adaptation to climate change…

… in carbon emissions, and improve sustainability and equality across East Lothian. This strategy will embed the principles of Climate Justice into East Lothian Council’s Climate Emergency response, to ensure that those most vulnerable in our society, including those in 3 poverty who are already at a socio-economic disadvantage, will not be disproportionately adversely affected by the effects…

…, ensuring the next generation has the resources they need to thrive Key Priority Area 1: Waste Reduction and Recycling Key Priority Area 2: Circular Economy Key Priority Area 3: Reducing Litter and Plastic Waste Outcome 5: A Low Carbon and Sustainable Economy East Lothian will have Scotland’s most sustainable and digitally connected local economy, with thriving, low carbon and sustainable


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