Including the closely related terms develop, development, and sustainable future.
… and ensure a sustainable future for Buckinghamshire. Peter Strachan 2 Executive Summary Increasing concentrations of specific pollutants…
… which sets out the Government’s commitment to reduce emissions from road transport, and the ambition of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to achieve sustainable development, including the protection and enhancement of our natural, built and historic environment. The forthcoming Environment Bill will introduce legally binding nature, water, air and waste targets from 2022. The aim…
… the availability of public electric vehicle charging points in Buckinghamshire. • Investing in sustainable transport infrastructure, such as the Waddesdon Greenway. • Working with schools to develop School Travel Plans and provide cycle training for pupils. • Working with Bucks Business First to support local businesses, for example through the Low Carbon Workspaces programme. Funding We…