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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and pollution of environments. As a global community, we must do everything within our power and more to transition to sustainable modes of living and dramatically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible. However, even if all emissions were stopped today, we would continue to see a level of global warming occur for at least several decades, if not centuries. Therefore…

…, sustainable, driven by community spirit and concern for our neighbours and loved ones. Our Adaptation & Resilience Action Plan is the commitment of Wigan Council to tackle the urgent threat of impacts from the climate crisis, and to promote adaptation to extreme weather events, creating resilient communities ready for the future. I am pleased to endorse Our Adaptation & Resilience Action…

sustainability and conservation tend to focus on preserving our environment, resilience and adaptation will focus on protecting our people and place from the changes that will come from a changing climate. Our climate change adaptation will be centred on the process of taking actions that aim to support and enable our residents and our place to adjust to the effects of current or expected climate…

… Themes taken from Wigan Council’s Outline Climate Change Strategy (2020) Our Resilience & Adaptation Our Communities & Wellbeing Our Sustainability & Consumption Our Built Environment Our Natural Environment Our Air Quality & Transport 3.1 ACTION PLAN FRAMEWORK AND DEVELOPMENT This action plan outlines how Wigan Council can adapt to a changing climate…

… to external shocks from the natural system. The onset of COVID-19 also revealed how globalisation and mass travel supported the spread of a pandemic quickly across global nations. However, the pandemic has also raised fundamental concerns regarding the sustainability of our way of living4. The current health crisis and longstanding climate crisis have striking similarities with regards…


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