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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 4 closely related terms such as development, develop, and sustainable growth.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… policies and controls are in place to ensure that any new growth takes into account sustainability issues, such as reducing the need to travel, minimising energy and water consumption and the ability to harness energy from renewable sources. Planning policies and development allocations are being updated in the new Lo- cal Plan, to ensure that developments respond to sustainability considerations

…, but also more widely through working with partners and other agencies to influence mitigation and positive change. We recognise our pivotal role to act as an advocate to all sectors of our com- munities, in promoting sustainable policies to deliver a reduction in carbon emissions across the Borough. A motion adopted by full Council in July 2019 sets out the “aspiration for Ton- bridge and Malling…

… to prepare and adapt to climate change and ensuring that spaces and habitats are well adapted to a changing climate. We will also protect and enhance native species and habitats, promoting opportunities for environmental management and enhancement. Sustainable Development The Council has a key role in ensuring that new housing and development in the borough is as sustainable as possible. Planning…

… Building Regulations. The Council’s focus is to improve existing housing condition ensuring homes are safe and warm by encouraging and supporting the installation of both energy conservation and efficiency measures. Our private sector housing work directly links with sustainability objectives. We will adopt a whole house approach con- sidering energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable…

… across South East – LoCASE The Borough Council plays a key role in supporting local businesses and con- tributing towards sustainable growth in the economy. A number of initiatives are already underway that contribute towards carbon reduction, resource effi- ciency and climate change resilience. In Tonbridge and Malling 24 SMEs have received and used grants for low car- bon and energy efficiency…


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