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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related terms sustainability, and sustainability strategy.

1 result

Clackmannanshire Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Council 2017/18 Appendix 2: Internal Audit – Public Sector Climate Change Duties Report Author(s) NAME DESIGNATION TEL NO / EXTENSION Lawrence Hunter Energy & Sustainability Strategy Officer Extension : 2681 36 Approved by NAME DESIGNATION SIGNATURE Garry Dallas Strategic Director (Place) Nikki Bridle Chief Executive 37 38 Public…

… change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainability action - this includes both strategy and implementation; the Roads and Transportation Service Manager's remit includes staff travel and street lighting; the Environment Service Manager is responsible for fleet and for waste management. The D&E Business Plan for 2017/18 is at Under…

…. The purpose of this report is to give an overview of Clackmannanshire Council's progress on compliance with its climate change duties; to outline and seek support for the measures suggested, to improve performance relating to sustainability and climate change. 2.0 Recommendations 2.1. It is recommended that the Committee note : (a) the contents of the report on Clackmannanshire Council's progress…

… in the decades beyond 2020. THIS PAPER RELATES TO ITEM 5 ON THE AGENDA 31 3.2. Under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 Clackmannanshire Council is required to:  contribute to climate change adaptation  contribute to carbon emissions reduction targets  act sustainably 3.3. The guidance recommends public bodies embed climate change action in all core corporate and business…

… should address (the three aspects of the duty) mitigation, adaptation and acting sustainably and be embedded across all departments via corporate planning.  Public bodies should use evidence‐based policy‐making techniques and learn from the good practice of others. Public bodies should ensure they understand the principles of climate change action, keep up to date with emerging thinking…


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