Including the closely related terms sustainability, and sustainable business.
… Together solar electric (PV) panel scheme, which CDC supported and promoted. The scheme was organised through a standing group of Sussex officers working on sustainability issues. There is also a West Sussex group of officers working on fuel poverty. This group was instrumental in a successful application to central government for money to improve energy inefficient dwellings in the region…
… scheme for employees. Further work will be progressed through our continued support of the Sustainable Business Partnership. Further comments were made about the need to increase the number of people with skills related to a low-carbon economy such as energy efficiency. Skills delivery is not the responsibility of CDC but we are members of the Coastal West Sussex Partnership which includes…
…. To co-ordinate this work, a Fuel Poverty and Sustainability Project Group has been proposed to deliver targeted action to tackle those parishes with the highest levels of excess cold and fuel poverty, and significantly reduce homes with a low Energy Performance Certificate rating of F and G occupied by fuel poor households. This policy went out to public consultation in November 2020…
… of specific geographical areas and would welcome the Council’s help in ensuring they develop sustainably. However, there are also instances where a new working group on a particular theme could be beneficial and the Council could initiate a group. 2. Behaviour change campaign & dialogue. This would encourage individuals to reduce GHG emissions linked with their lifestyles. Importantly it would also…
… to representatives of any organisation with an interest in the District. However, the group should become self-sustaining in terms of setting up its own meetings and agenda. The intention is that the group would be a forum that enables people to meet like-minds and develop solutions themselves with CDC providing technical input, information on funding opportunities and networking help. This approach is fast…