Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
… Council-CMAP-2021 1 Introduction Peterborough has the potential to be a truly sustainable city. A city which has a thriving local economy, strong communities and a sustainable way of life. A city where our residents are healthy, happy and prosperous. To achieve this we will need to do things differently. If everyone on Earth lived as the average Peterborian, British or European citizen does, we…
… the trend of increasing consumption of natural resources, and instead put Peterborough on the road to becoming a truly sustainable city. It remains clear that there is an unprecedented urgency to address climate change. The climate science is unequivocal. There is recognition that the impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world. The Intergovernmental Panel…
… Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development: the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, and the GHG Protocol Scope 3 standard. (BEIS, 2020a) 6 Council-CMAP-2021 2.1.1 Results summary Emissions have been calculated using data…
… to identify mechanisms to improve the sustainability of the council’s procurement process. 7. When normal Mayoral duties resume, a new lease for the Mayoral car will be considered which will include options for an electric or hybrid vehicle. 8. To ascertain and review options to enable the Council to consider switching to a low carbon gas tariff. 9. Begin to implement recommendations from the fleet…
… the viability of switching the local Skanska fleet to an alternative sustainable fuel. 13. Investigate the opportunities to reduce emissions from the Regional Swimming Pool, currently the Council’s single highest carbon emitting site. 14. Continue to rationalise office floorspace thereby reducing energy demands, for example, excess floorspace at the Town Hall will be leased. 2…