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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.

1 result

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of Environmental Sustainability Development Manager (Initiatives) Head of Environmental Sustainability Development Manager (Strategy) Development Manager (Strategy) Development Manager (Strategy) Climate Emergency Officer Development Manager (Strategy) Development Manager (Strategy) Development Manager (Strategy) Head of Environmental Sustainability Theme 2 - Reducing carbon…

… for purpose Reduced carbon emissions Reduced carbon emissions Reduced carbon emissions Reduced carbon emissions Reduced carbon emissions Reduced carbon emissions Funding for carbon reduction projects Identification of opportunities that will support progressing the Climate Emergency agenda in Knowsley Development Manager (Strategy) Head of Environmental Sustainability Development

… information on this Action Plan please contact Knowsley Council’s Environmental Sustainability Service: Email: tel: 0151 443 3682 Reducing carbon emissions from the Council’s estate and services to net zero by 2040 10 Key Themes 1. Green spaces for carbon offsetting and climate resilience 2. Reducing carbon emissions from street lighting 3. Reducing carbon…

… vehicles, maintenance plant and equipment; (4) Reducing carbon emissions from energy and water use in Council buildings; (5) Reducing carbon emissions from waste from Council services; (6) Reducing carbon emissions from staff travel on council business (7) Sustainable energy generation; (8) Reducing carbon emissions through council commissioning and procurement; (9) Reducing carbon…

…, with additional trees to be planted under the Trees for Climate Scheme; • Ensuring carbon reduction and sustainable energy generation are key elements of the proposed Council Headquarters in Huyton Centre; and • Radical changes to ensure that action on carbon reduction is embedded across the Council, including a review of policies and strategies, carbon literacy training for staff and elected…


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