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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related terms sustainability, and sustainability approach.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of November, subject to Committee agreement. 8. Background reading/external references 8.1 Item 7.4 – Sustainability Approach, Corporate Policy and Strategy Committee, 14 May 2019 8.2 The Economics of Low Carbon Cities: A Mini-Stern Review for the City of Leeds (2017), Executive Summary…

… 1 Policy and Sustainability Committee 2.00pm, Friday, 25 October 2019 Achieving Net-Zero in the City of Edinburgh Executive/routine Wards Council Commitments 1. Recommendations That the Committee: Notes the update provided on the Place-Based Climate Action Network (P-CAN) research project Notes the draft summary research…

… actions for the Council will be brought back to Committee in February 2020. 3. Background 3.1 On 14 May 2019, the Committee agreed a three-phase plan for delivering an ambitious approach to sustainability and climate change. This includes working with Edinburgh and Leeds Universities as part of their Place-based Climate Action Network (P-CAN) project to provide independent data analysis…

…. This will augment the Climate KIC support aimed at helping the Council to take this analysis and build a strategic and operational route-map for achieving net-zero by 2030. 4.3 In the interim, a draft summary of the research is provided at Annex A and will be presented by the researchers at the Policy and Sustainability Committee meeting on 25 October. 4.4 The methodology used has been applied…

… impact 6.1 There are no direct resourcing implications from the Council arising from this report. The research was conducted free of charge by Edinburgh University as part of P- CAN. 7. Stakeholder/Community Impact 7.1 The Council will need to engage, consult and collaborate with citizens about the appetite for and detail of bold economic, environmental and social sustainability


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