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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, sustainability, and sustainable future.

1 result

Winchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and unspoilt open spaces. We are looking to meet the challenge of ensuring generations to come have a positive future and that means taking positive action now. This means we have declared a Climate Emergency and are working with residents, businesses, stakeholders and specialist agencies to ensure we put all we need into making local life more environmentally sustainable. We will be closely…

… AND COLLABORATION It is acknowledged that the challenge of being a carbon neutral council and district is something that has to met by all of us working and acting collectively. Many individuals, businesses, groups and networks are already taking positive steps to reduce carbon and improve sustainability. It will be important to recognise their efforts, share what is happening and harness their efforts…

… ENVIRONMENT COMMUNITY EDUCATION RURAL Hampshire County Council Enterprise M3 LEP Parish/town councils Partner LAs (Eastleigh/East Hampshire) Hospital Utility companies Sustainable Business Network Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Winchester Business Strategy Group Business Improvement District (BID) WinACC Extinction Rebellion Friends of the Earth Hampshire Climate Action…

… for the home, helping tenants and homeowners switch energy supplier, for example. Reduction Housing Communications Sustainability Develop a sustained campaign to provide information, advice, signposting with a platform to share ideas through the council website. Provide and share information with residents on how to live more sustainably and where local groups are so they can get further support…

… that the whole district becomes carbon neutral by 2030. Our organisation will lead the way - we have our own goal of being carbon neutral by 2024 - and we need others to join us so we can deliver what we need to do to create a sustainable future. As Chief Executive I am concerned with getting things right for the place we govern. This means striking a balance and working towards goals that we…


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