Including 5 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
… Environmental Strategy Officer Procurement and Contracts Manager Officer time Deliver Member training to educate on environmental sustainability considerations when deliberating Cabinet reports for project approval. Members give significant weight to environmental considerations of projects prior to approval. December 2021 26 9.0 Priority 3: Reducing GHG…
… criteria Reduce waste and improve recycling, implement a Waste strategy with a focus on sustainable solutions Develop a Local Plan policy encouraging green developments – green space, energy efficiency, sustainable supply chains It is recognised that tackling climate change isn’t a stand-alone issue delivering a low carbon future should not only be embedded in every part of the Councils…
… a vital role to play in furthering sustainable development through our procurement of buildings, goods and services. The Councils procurement decisions can have major environmental implications, both locally and nationally. We should therefore be committed to ensuring that all goods and services procured are manufactured, delivered, used and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner…
… and Contracts Manager Officer time Adopt the Guide to Sustainable Procurement in Appendix D. Circulate and raise awareness to staff. Staff become more aware and consider environmental sustainability of good and services being procured. December 2021 Sustainable Procurement Processes Procurement and Contracts Manager Environmental Strategy Officer Council-wide…
… Officer education and time Embed sustainability considerations throughout the procurement cycle, including specifications, PQQ's and award processes etc. Monitor delivery through contract management. Carbon savings from all procurement exercises undertaken. Sustainability is embedded in procurement across the organisation. December 2021- ongoing Member Training…