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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 6 closely related terms such as development, develop, and sustainability.

1 result

Waverley Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of investment from energy savings and those actions should be looked at as a priority. This action plan will be a live document, continually updated to reflect further refinement, funding availability, policy and technological changes. It should be seen in the context of our sustainability policies which will set out the significant actions that Waverley Borough Council will need to take during…

… little control over how the tenants choose to live with regards to sustainability considerations. By using a Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) methodology we are able to assess the energy performance of our social housing and set a baseline which we will use to measure improvements against. The emissions associated with the council’s owned social housing in April 2015 were 11,983 2 t CO2e…

… development standards while balancing its other priorities. High level targets We will:  Aim to adopt Local Plan Part 2 by December 2021 enabling us to apply a stronger suite of development management policies to deliver more sustainable development; produce a Supplementary Planning Document that will support carbon neutral developments by December 2021; and review the Local Plan…

… into consideration legal constraint within procurement rules  Encourage the development of small, local sustainable businesses in the borough as well as a culture for shopping locally Actions Quantifying impacts of potential action and developing a pathway for Waverley to become a carbon neutral can be complex and will require ongoing commitment and effort. This action plan will be a live…

… and guarantees renewable, zero-carbon power generation The council has already established a new role, the Sustainability Projects Officer as a commitment to the work that is required to support the delivery of the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan. Waverley will continually look for external sources of funding as they become available to supplement the costs of projects. Currently there are many…


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