Including the closely related terms sustainability, and environmental sustainability.
… an update on progress on tackling climate change in North Ayrshire. Recommendation: That Cabinet: i) Notes the progress made in implementing the Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2017- 2020; ii) Agrees the proposed target year of 2030 to achieve net- zero emissions across North Ayrshire; iii) Notes the ongoing “Climate Change: Just Cool It” consultation; and iv) Notes…
… the proposal to review the consultation findings to inform the Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2020- 2023 which is currently being developed for future Cabinet consideration mid-2020. 1. Executive Summary 1.1 The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report in October 2018 recommending immediate action be taken to reduce global…
… strategically important location for renewable energy power generation. 1.3 The current Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) 2017- 2020 has continued to drive progress in actions detailed in thematic workstreams, setting an emission reduction target of 40% by 2030. The Council’s declaration of a Climate Emergency in June 2019 has raised this aspiration to become a net…
… the next Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) 2020-2023. 1.5 The third ESCCS (2020-2023) is due to be published in Summer 2020, with actions identified to achieve the net-zero emission reduction target. It is proposed that this target be achieved by 2030. It is further proposed that two new workstreams are included in the strategy, to support climate change…
… Ayrshire Council has been pro-active in reducing carbon emissions since establishing the Carbon Management Plan in 2005. Subsequently, the first Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) was published in 2014 and was updated in 2017. 2.5 The ESCCS 2017-2020 builds on the success of the first strategy and sets an area wide target to reduce carbon emissions by 40…