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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 7 closely related terms such as development, develop, and sustainable development goal.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… thanks to investments in a distributed energy system at Birley Fields including 595 solar panels and a 400 kwh lithium battery  UoM - Identified as 1st in UK and 3rd globally in global university rankings which include contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals including responsible consumption and production, and climate action  ENW – Zero carbon demonstration projects at ENW depots…

Sustainable Development Goals to drive their strategy. Delivery of a number of energy and water saving projects, biodiversity projects and a reusable cup scheme which will save 800,000 plastic cups per seasons.  Manchester Housing Provider Partnership (MHPP) members, who jointly own around 70,000 homes in the city, are responsible for approximately 5.5% of Manchester’s carbon emissions through…

… Climate Change Agency and Partnership to provide additional capacity and support to the delivery of this agenda. Manchester Strategy outcomes Summary of how this report aligns to the OMS A thriving and sustainable city: supporting a diverse and distinctive economy that creates jobs and opportunities The transition to a zero carbon city will help the city’s economy become more sustainable

… and will generate jobs within the low carbon energy and goods sector. This will support the implementation of the Our Manchester Industrial Strategy. A highly skilled city: world class and home grown talent sustaining the city’s economic success Manchester is one a small number of UK cities that have agreed a science based target and is leading the way in transitioning to a zero carbon city…

…. It is envisaged that this may give the city opportunities in the green technology and services sector. A progressive and equitable city: making a positive contribution by unlocking the potential of our communities Transitioning to a zero carbon city can help to tackle fuel poverty by reducing energy bills. Health outcomes will also be improved through the promotion of more sustainable modes…


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