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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

London Borough of Lambeth

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… significant improvements in air quality. In addition, the Local Plan will increase moves to sustainable transport modes through appropriate parking standards in new developments, with zero parking wherever possible. The impact of these plans are not covered in detail here, but will be reflected in the borough wide carbon reduction plan we develop with residents, businesses and partners over the next…

… clean energy usage 1.2 Invest in the council’s housing stock to achieve highest possible sustainability ratings Housing  We will undertake audits of all communal area to identify opportunities to reduce energy usage  Introduction of air source or ground source heating systems or joining district heat networks where possible  Every council home to have loft insulated by 2030…

…  Every council home, where applicable, to have a boiler under 10 years of age by 2030  Every council home, to have an EPC rating no lower than b by 2030.  To improve the sustainability of communal areas by introducing green sedum roofs for garages, pram sheds etc.; reusing bricks/ paving slabs, using sustainable wood for new/refurbished play areas, improving recycle/ reuse points…

… progress in ensuring new major developments by 7 to move the highest possible standard in the code for sustainable homes  Where this is provided via a payment in lieu (currently £60 per tonne), this will be paid into the borough’s carbon offset fund. We will look to raise this charge in line with other boroughs  Major developments by HfL will be required to meet a minimum…

… score of 0.4 (for residential) under the London/Local Plan Urban Greening Factor – Local Plan  New council homes delivered through Homes for Lambeth will be developed to a minimum level 4 code for Sustainable Homes  We will move towards level 5 code for Sustainable Homes where this does not compromise delivery of truly affordable homes for rent. This will be assessed on a case by case…


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