Including the closely related term sustainable approach.
… important and forms part of a more sustainable approach for decision making. A service or product could be preferrable if there is a commitment from the supplier to reduce the amount of waste or emissions involved. We see waste as wide ranging issue, with many forms. It can be as simple as packaging, but also as a by-product of creating the things we need. For example, the emissions associated…
… and to encourage more sustainable forms of transportation. Urban greening initiatives and the planting of new trees across the Borough, including offering 5000 free saplings for residents to grow. LED lighting upgrades across several corporate buildings including the Civic Centre. Street lighting programme, replacing 23,700 sodium lights with more efficient LED units. Installation of solar panels across…
… to improve opportunities for sustainable transportation within the borough, i.e. through the promotion of new cycle routes and challenging TFL to improve bus services. 4. Taking Action 7 Key themes have been identified from which the Council’s response to Climate Emergency will be developed Objective Theme C1 Community Leadership C2 The Council’s Own Operations C3 Building better places C4…
… and encouraged to put their own Climate Action Plans in place by 2023. C1.9 To support, promote and raise awareness of the use of sustainable transportation and ensure resources are available to allow communities to make transport changes that do not rely on polluting private transportation. C2 The Council’s Own Operations C2.1 Council operational building stock to be accredited as carbon neutral…
… ways of working, placing more emphasis on technological solutions (i.e. virtual meetings) and reducing reliance on less sustainable forms of transportation. C3 Building Better Places C3.1 To use the development plan system to ensure all new major development will be zero carbon. C3.2 To consider new planning policies to ensure all non major new development is also zero carbon. C3.3…