Including 8 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainable development goal.
… the best use of resources Our vision - what we are aiming to achieve As part of our response to climate change, we make sure our work is in-line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals Warwickshire’s communities and individuals are supported to be safe, healthy and independent PRIO RITY OUTCOME Warwickshire’s economy is vibrant and supported by the right jobs, training, skills…
… WCC Council Plan 2020 - 2025 COUNCIL PLAN 2020-2025 Warwickshire County Council We all want to make Warwickshire the best it can be - for everyone who lives, works, visits and does business here. We want people to have the best lives and enjoy the best opportunities, and to secure the best, sustainable future for everyone…
… change adaptation task and finish group to address what we can and must do to create a sustainable environment now, and for future generations. Basing its recommendations on the Met Office’s UK climate projections for 2050, the group has used this data to prioritise options and schemes that come forward for investment. A climate impact assessment for Warwickshire is being prepared. We engaged…
… own emissions and how this impacts on Warwickshire. We will look at best practice to inform our own benchmarking and target setting, helping us to prioritise and plan accordingly. We will work collaboratively with Government to provide guidance and incentives for carbon reduction. As part of our response to climate change, we make sure our work is in-line with the UN Sustainable Development…
… in hospital we will help them to return home safely and as quickly as possible with the support they need. We will support people to live in high quality, sustainable environments. Working with partner organisations, we will create healthy and safer places to live by focusing on housing, planning and transport; accident reduction; how we respond to outbreaks and pandemics; and reducing domestic…