Including the closely related term sustainability.
… of 2030 for Warwick District, it will require a strategic director with the responsibility to engage and build cooperation with local organisations and businesses, and lead a Climate Emergency Action Team. 17. Adopting a sustainable procurement strategy will be essential to ensure that the Council’s projects and contracts align closely with the carbon management plan and contribute to CO2e…
… electric vehicles (BEV) Add to the Council’s own estate EV charging infrastructure Examine the business case for Vehicle-to-Grid EV charging to reduce energy bills Increase the use of EV staff pool car(s) to reduce grey business mileage costs Extend sustainable travel incentives for staff including a car share scheme Expand opportunities for flexible working Waste Measure…
… Programme ~ MAIN REPORT ~ 31.1.2020 6 Inform and encourage all Council staff to reduce water usage by adopting an awareness campaign Procurement Strengthen sustainable procurement policies to purchase/lease energy efficient materials, services and technologies Incorporate carbon reduction requirements into new tender contracts including electric vehicles (EVs) Ensure new…
… build and refurbishment contracts meet high sustainability standards set by the Council and adhere to these during construction Ensure contracted out service proposals e.g. leisure centre operations; cleaning services, include and deliver high levels of sustainability and demonstrate commitment to carbon reduction Biodiversity / greenspaces Phase out peat use, redesign mowing…
… Plan sets developments and land use standards that reduce carbon and increase sustainability Work Package 3 – Warwick District Climate Emergency Action Roadmap The Council does not have direct control over most of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) throughout the District. However, the Council is in a key position to enable and influence communities, businesses, institutions…