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Including 8 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainable development report.

1 result

Scottish Borders Council

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Development Goals as they relate to local government in the Embedding Sustainable Development report. UN SDG 13 specifically commits signatories to ‘take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’. At the same time, Council established a Sustainable Development Committee, and has since appointed an Executive Member of Sustainable Development to reinforce member leadership and oversight…

… change by 2045. It also considers the Council’s responsibilities in responding to the climate emergency as an organisation. 2 STATUS OF REPORT 2.1 At its meeting of 31 January 2020, the Sustainable Development Committee, chaired by Councillor Aitchison, heard presentations from:  Mr Dave Gorman, Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh, entitled…

… by the aforementioned plan of action and to investigate all possible sources of external funding and match funding to support this commitment; v. to work collaboratively with Community Planning Partners, and other stakeholders, including businesses and the public in developing the Scottish Borders’ response to the Climate Emergency; vi. that the Sustainable Development Committee oversee development…

… of the plan to be presented to Council before March 2021, and oversee the development and implementation of the plan agreed by Council in responding to the Climate Emergency; vii. that the Sustainable Development Committee develop recommendations on a collaborative and inclusive regional dialogue on climate action to be included in the plan to be considered by Council before March 2021. Scottish…

… development – for young and old – with the net-zero transition. 4.12 In responding to the challenge of climate change, the Council has two fundamental responsibilities: a) The first responsibility is to deliver a comprehensive reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate adaptation across the Council as an organisation. As noted in the Embedding Sustainable Development Report, just as leading…


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