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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 6 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainable development agenda.

1 result

Perth and Kinross Council

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… and implementation efforts. United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 - Goal 13: Climate Action - sets the requirement for nations to ‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’ by 2030. iii) UK Targets To deliver its international obligations and comply with EU legislation, the UK Government has set a target to be carbon neutral by 2050, with the introduction…

… in way we live. This is about much more than just cutting emissions – it’s about turning our thinking on its head, to plan for a sustainable future in which we are responsible consumers and responsible custodians of the planet’s future. Behavioural change requires the involvement of our citizens and businesses. It also requires the Council and other public sector agencies to understand…

… meetings, including tele / videoconferencing options (Action T7 – Appendix 2) A car lease scheme for electric and low carbon vehicles for Council staff has been developed, which will encourage switching to more sustainable vehicles (Action T8 – Appendix 2). v) Corporate Travel Planning The Transport Planning team provides sustainable infrastructure for commuters to choose their mode…

… social cohesion, sustainable food systems, and a reduction in air pollution. Some parts of Scotland’s population are particularly vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change, including those with existing health conditions and our ageing population, with the greatest effects being felt in areas of high deprivation. Regionally, the Tayside Joint Public Health Protection Plan establishes…

… resilient to the climate changes happening around them, both locally and globally. Working in partnership, Perth & Kinross Council, Adaptation Scotland, SNIFFER and Carse of Gowrie's Sustainability Group, helped the community to map their local area to consider the likely impacts and effects of climate change – and the potential to proactively adapt to address the challenges and issues…


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