Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
… where we can make the most impact when it comes to decarbonisation and climate change. Councillor Annette Wingrave Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Sustainable Development Foreword N ea th P or tT al bo tC ou nc il: D ec ar bo ni sa tio n an d R en ew ab le E ne rg y S tra te gy (M ay 20 20 ) 1 Foreword N eath P ortTalbotC ouncil:D ecarbonisation and R enew able E nergy…
…, and environmental sustainability. Figure 1.1 The 'Energy Trilemma' Need / DeliverableTrilemma Element Energy Self-SufficiencySecurity Enhanced energy / carbon performance with reduced dependency on finite energy sources Sustainability Release of disposable income / revenue expenditure, alleviation of fuel poverty Equity 1 . Introduction N ea th P or tT al bo tC ou nc il: D ec ar bo ni sa tio n an d…
… climate change related business and research; and Land use and spatial planning promote sustainable development and enable a move towards a low carbon economy which takes account of future climate impacts. 2.2.3 In March 2010, the Welsh Government published 'A Low Carbon Revolution – TheWelsh Assembly Government Energy Policy Statement'which set out the potential for 22.5GW of installed capacity from…
… that 'energy efficient, environmental and sustainable design' is a key consideration in all new build and refurbishment projects. The Council's Energy Team has adopted the core structure and elements of the approved ISO 50,001 Energy Management System (recognised industry standard system) to assess and achieve effective levels of energy management. The four main energy / carbon management delivery…
…. 1.1.3 Renewable Energy and the ‘decarbonisation’ agenda is now an integral and constantly growing part of the national and local energy mix. The decarbonisation agenda at the same time presents both opportunities and enormous challenges. 1.1.4 The ‘energy trilemma’ summarises the business needs and describes three core dimensions of energy sustainability – energy security, energy equity…