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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Herefordshire Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

…. 3 Recommendations Priority A Title: encourage people to purchase local sustainable food. Description: We want to encourage people to purchase local sustainable food because it will reduce the carbon footprint, help the local economy…

… and promote more local employment opportunities.  Develop local food hubs where local farmers, small producers and allotment holders can sell their produce, with dedicated (preferably low cost/rent free/ subsidised) sustainable premises for the hubs.  Encourage local public bodies, (schools, hospitals), to review their existing procurement rules to include greater weighting towards emission…

…% Strongly disagree: 0% Abstain: 0%* *Figures rounded up Priority C Title: schools to engage with food, farming and sustainability. Description: Encourage Herefordshire schools to engage with food, farming and sustainability in their curriculum to support Herefordshire’s climate action plan.  Running in-school awareness sessions on where food comes from; its value, how to cook and how…

… to avoid food waste. Use of visual and hands on education.  Develop school and college partnerships with local farms using sustainable methods. Recommendation no: 33 Theme: Food, Farming and Land Use Strongly agree: 68% Agree: 29% Don’t mind: 3% Disagree: 0% Strongly disagree: 0% Abstain: 0% 4 Priority D Title: Free expert consultation for farmers. Description: Train…

… experts and fund free expert consultations for farmers to explore more sustainable methods/ reduce emissions and create a pool of in-county experts funded to work with existing partnerships like NFU, Rural Hub and Herefordshire Council to ensure that Herefordshire farmers get the best from new government subsidies to achieve zero carbon targets. Recommendation no: 24 Theme: Food, Farming and Land…


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