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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 4 closely related terms such as development, develop, and sustainability.

1 result

Runnymede Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… as the principle driving factor behind the increase in global warming. The consequences that flow from this also impact other important changes in our environment including biodiversity, food production and water management which necessitate adaptation. There is an existing internal mandatory requirement to take account of and consider the environmental, sustainability, and biodiversity implications…

… as the majority are beyond our control. The 2001 Greenhouse Gas Protocol developed by the World Resources institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development categorised emissions into three scopes. Statutory framework Activities owned or controlled by your organisation that release emissions straight into the atmosphere. Examples of scope one emissions include emissions from…

… with our communities and businesses to create a sustainable living environment where people can meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (United Nations Brundtland Commission, 1987). To support the international climate change response to limit global warming to a 1.5 degrees centigrade temperature increase while simultaneously…

… delivering a prosperous, caring, healthier borough where people are valued and cared for and where strong communities pull together. To support and encourage the private sector and green technology innovation within the Borough and incorporate it into our strategy wherever possible. To place Climate Change and environmental sustainability at the core of all of our decisions…

… Steward will co-ordinate the efforts of our lead officers who will all play a vital role in developing new policies and initiatives. His team reports to the Council’s Environment and Sustainability Committee, chaired by Cllr Nigel King, where decisions are made about overall direction and where an annual action place will be approved. Clarity of mission Changing the direction of a complex…


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