Including the closely related term sustainability.
… and Sustainable Catering Guidance Provide ‘catering energy awareness’ guidance (e.g. staff training) for key staff at the Commu- nity Centres (e.g. how to avoid common mis- use of kitchen equipment) as well as how to provide meals with a low(er) carbon footprint (e.g. seasonal/regional produce, vegetarian choices). Phase 1 22/23 4 0 CSS training budget 1,219 n/a CSS 20 Decision Making…
… – ‘Carbon Impact Assessment’ A two-stage process, like our existing ‘Equality Impact Assessment’ (EIA), to be implemented in our decision-making processes to assess cli- mate change and carbon impacts for all key projects and decisions going forward. Results to be added to Cabinet reports. Phase 1 22/23 n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a tbc 21 Sustainable Procurement – Procedural…
… Procurement Rules and Strategy Integrate 'sustainability' into procurement re- quirements (contract procedure rules) and up- date our procurement strategy. This could in- clude, ensuring that there is consideration of carbon impact into procurement policies and processes, for goods, works and services. Pri- oritising low carbon alternatives helps to 22/23 n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a Procure…
… Sustainable Procurement Questionnaire Develop a supplier and service provider sus- tainability questionnaire to be filled out by con- tractors as part of the procurement process for goods, works and services. This questionnaire will help to gather valuable information, such as suppliers and supply chains’ commitment to a carbon neutral vision, to receive their Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission data…