Including the closely related term sustainable design.
… 2024 Explore the development of a sustainable design and construction policy for all new buildings/infrastructure projects built by/on the behalf of the Council Upgrade remaining streetlighting (~30-35%) to new LED lighting and investigate ways to further reduce consumption and improve efficiency across traffic signals and other highways assets Travel Staff travel and journeys made by our fleet…
… with TorVista a subsidiary company of the TDA, who are a wholly owned company of the Council, to explore high standards of low carbon, sustainable design and construction for future homes and apartments built. Planning Issue a guidance document setting out how the Local Plan for Torbay's current climate change related policies should be met Refresh the Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document (SPD…
… unavailable) * Complete the development of 2 solar farms in Torbay * * Explore the development of a sustainable design and construction policy for all new buildings/infrastructure projects built by/on the behalf of the Council * Install solar panels on Tor Hill House * * Provide additional resources to understand better the estate’s energy, water, waste consumption and determine an annual…
… are responsible for the production of carbon emissions and other harmful pollutants (including staff using their personal cars for Council business, travel by bus, rail, taxi and other forms of travel i.e., hire cars). Over the next 8 years we will work towards decarbonising the fleet and staff travel through reducing the demand for travel, prioritising active, sustainable modes of transport and where journeys…
… need to be made, make them in ultra low/electric vehicles/car clubs where possible. Over the next two years we will: Complete the Council’s Green Travel Plan which will recommend ways to promote active, sustainable ways to travel to work and for work purposes Complete a council-wide Green Fleet Review to understand how to transition the fleet (including the SWISCo/TDA fleet) to carbon neutral…