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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainability.

1 result

Slough Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (HTML)

… to address car dependency among other issues. The proposals also include how Slough will adapt to the risks of climate change, such as extreme heat and flooding. The strategy and action plan has been developed with the support of the sustainability consultancy, Anthesis Ltd, and as part of its development the council has held a series of workshops engaging with stakeholders from the built environment…

…, sustainable construction, renewable energy sources, and behaviour change reducing emissions from transport by promoting sustainable transport, reducing car travel and traffic congestion, and encouraging behaviour change reducing consumption of resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste supporting council services, residents and businesses to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The council…

… has set a target of borough-wide carbon neutrality by 2040, with an ambitious stretch target of 2030. This was outlined in Slough’s Climate Change strategy vision in June 2021. This target complies with the UK’s national target of net zero emissions by 2050 and a reduction of 78% of emissions by 2035 relative to 1990. Cllr Rob Anderson, cabinet member for sustainable transport and the environment…


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