… and nature areas. This asset should be protected and enhanced. Where feasible, we need to expand our natural capital, through additional tree planting, creating new green spaces and finding creative ways to introduce vegetation and soft landscaping into urban areas, such as green roofs and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). How we do this A borough-wide study exploring…
… will affect people’s health, their homes, our infrastructure and our public services. Heat waves, including sustained periods of high internal temperatures (inside buildings), have the highest impact on the young, the elderly and the sick – in other words, those groups of people most likely to be in their homes during the day. It is thought that the over 65’s are the most at risk, and as the UK’s…
… the most effective ways to influence and improve low and ultra-low emission vehicle use in taxi fleet. • Engage with council employees to promote low and ultra-low emission vehicle technologies • Promote car club/pool vehicles and sustainable modes of travel to reduce use of SMBC employees’ vehicles • Improve branding to increase attractiveness of public transport • Improve access…
… to information regarding transport options • Promotion of walking and cycling • Encourage travel plans for employers, schools & hospitals • Provide air quality information and promote sustainable transport in schools…