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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 7 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainable development goal.

1 result

North Kesteven District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (HTML)

… in Lincolnshire to take this step, and many others have since followed suit. In 2020 we aligned the Council’s actions and priorities to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – a raft of goals for all nations to target. The journey continues, with the Council Leader in 2021 signing up to the UK100, a pledge to take the necessary action to resolve the climate crisis. In the decade leading up to 2019…

… Improved fitness and wellbeing Lower emissions – instantly better air quality and a contribution to climate change Find walking routes and cycling routes. Capturing carbon – we can all help Carbon capture Not only can we work towards sustainable sources becoming the main way we generate…

… Environmental protection Water supplies, flooding, drainage and sewers Animal and pest control Sustainability Biodiversity in North Kesteven Severe and unpredictable…


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