Including 5 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.
… into decision making Introduce a council-wide approach to embedding climate change implications and other sustainability considerations into decision making processes, including making reference to the adopted UN Sustainable Development Goals where relevant. New approach adopted by the council to enable decision-makers to understand the climate change and other sustainability implications of all…
… decisions. 2022/23 Sustainability 2020/21: Approach being developed, now looking to incorporate UN Sustainable Development Goals. 2021/22: ‘Gap analysis’ exercise identified we are contributing to the Leicester City Council’s Climate Emergency Action: Plan April 2020 – March 2023 Version 3, updated May 2022 Page 3 of 45 No. Action Outcomes Expected Timescale Responsibility Progress…
… in completing the actions will continue to be monitored. Where possible, carbon reductions or climate change adaptation outcomes of actions will be quantified and included in the yearly published updates. The council will also continue to publish annual figures for the council’s and Leicester’s carbon emissions. Any enquiries about this action plan should be directed to the council’s Sustainability Team…
…: Email: Leicester City Council’s Climate Emergency Action: Plan April 2020 – March 2023 Version 3, updated May 2022 Page 2 of 45 1. Actions supporting all the themes No. Action Outcomes Expected Timescale Responsibility Progress and Achievements 1.01 Carbon neutral roadmap for the city Develop…
… one or more possible decarbonisation pathways for the city to inform the planning of actions, monitoring of progress and engagement with partners, including seeking more support from central Government. Pathway report setting out key actions required and their estimated carbon reductions. 2020/21 - 2021/22 Sustainability 2020/21: Options researched, and brief prepared for project…