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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainable development principle.

1 result

Isles of Scilly

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of the SMP are: • To reduce the threat of flooding and coastal erosion to people and their property • To deliver the greatest environmental, social and economic benefit, consistent with the Government’s sustainable development principles To support the Shoreline Management Plan, the Council prepared a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy in 2017, which is currently being reviewed and updated…

sustainable development and construction through planning conditions and low carbon sustainable design guides within the planning process 2. We will ensure new housing promotes sustainable design and construction such as rainwater and greywater harvesting, energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions where possible 3. We will ensure all planning applications are assessed for potential flood risk…

… Solar Panels, St Martins Building more sustainably In March 2021, the Council adopted the new Local Plan (2015-2030). The aims and policies set out in the Local Plan are designed to ensure sustainable development is embedded within all future planning applications and construction across the islands. New planning policies have been developed to include the principles of sustainable

development, sustainable quality design and place making, the re- use of buildings, water and waste water management, flood avoidance, coastal erosion, energy and travel and transport. Additional policies to protect and enhance the landscape and seascape, enhance biodiversity and prevent pollution have also been included in the new Local Plan. The plan will ensure any future Council developments…

… of gaseous carbon emitted into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels from our use of gas, oil, petrol and diesel. In 2015, the European Regional Development Fund part-funded £10.8 million to support the islands transition to a low carbon sustainable community through the Smart Islands Programme. The programme helped deliver innovative building management technologies across…


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