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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related term sustainable place.

1 result

London Borough of Hillingdon

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… flood alleviation schemes within the catchment the development falls within; 7 SIDP engagement: Environment Agency HNL Sustainable Places Team (October 2020) 8 West London Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, - Section 5, WLA (2018) WLA SIDP, March 2022 • set up mechanisms to enable the use of CIL charges to be used for flood alleviation schemes across the Boroughs to address…

… need to ensure that surface access is as sustainable as possible. In particular, there remains a strong case for additional rail access for passengers, freight and other goods. West London boroughs should continue to work together and through the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group to ensure these issues are properly reflected as the future of the Airport are considered. Recommendation T1…

…: The WLA and West London authorities should continue to collaborate and establish clear evidence of the need and economic impact of strategic transport investment in the area. Moreover, investment in sustainable transport infrastructure and initiatives to enable and encourage modal shift remain critical for the sub-region. In partnership with the GLA, this should include consideration of sub…

…-regional approaches to funding, including alternative mechanisms, for clearly identified public and sustainable transport priority projects. Recommendation T1.1: The strategic transport interventions that the WLA and West London authorities should collaborate in case making should include ensuring sustainable access to Heathrow, including making the case for western and southern rail access…

… Report demonstrated that the WLO is the best option for the corridor, confirming earlier work commissioned by the WLA. Recommendation T2.1: The WLA and West London authorities should maximise the WLO opportunity from the route that will be taken forward by promoting the role of station masterplans. These will facilitate dependent development, create new sustainable and accessible transport hubs…


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