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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including the closely related terms sustainability, environmental sustainability, and sustainability strategy.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 1 BROXBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 2021 – 2025 Action Tracker – February 2023 2 Successful delivery is unachievable or has not yet started Delivery is in doubt or not on schedule Some issues but delivery is probable Delivery is on track Delivery is complete…

…-out to staff. HCCSP video training shared with Members. 1.10 Reduce energy usage and waste at Council offices. Sustainability Officer Communications Manager Ongoing articles in Staff News in 2023 on how officers can take practical steps to reduce energy consumption and waste Existing New objective based on report that went to Environmental Sustainability Panel…

… and in compliance with financial regulations to secure value for money. Include a scoring criteria for locality/distance/ environmental sustainability within the evaluation model for procurement of goods and services. Assistant Director (Resources) Procurement Officer a) Local providers of goods and services purchased by the Council identified by March 2021 and circulated to purchasing…

… how local suppliers are selected to ensure equality. Work is being done jointly through the Supply Hertfordshire procurement group to look at this. A procurement strategy is also being developed which will look at and specify clearly how social value and sustainability Changes to the contract standing thresholds now request that at least one local supplier be invited…

… criteria for locality/distance/environmental sustainability within the evaluation model for procurement of goods and services. Assistant Director (Resources) Procurement Officer Waste & Street Scene Manager a) Procurement guidance and training modified for purchasing managers to ensure sustainability is taken into account, including whole life and disposal…


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