Including the closely related terms sustainability, and environmental sustainability.
…, or food-waste saving recipes from Brent residents to promote environmental sustainability in cooking Organised a unique new photo exhibition Climate Change and My Religion which explored the ways in which faith informs our thinking about and motivation to act on climate change Launched a Brent Faith Climate Action Plan, to practical encourage places of worship in Brent to take practical action…
…. The five strategy themes are: Consumption, resources and waste Transport (Sustainable Travel) Homes, Buildings and the Built Environment Nature and Green Space Supporting Communities. A snapshot of progress against each of these themes since the strategy was adopted in April 2021 is set out below: Consumption, Resources and Waste…
… the operation of air source heat pumps, electrical vehicle charging, internal and external wall insulation, and a variety of other sustainable technologies. Adopted a new Sustainability Procurement Policy mobilises a potential £400m of council spending power towards tackling the climate and ecological emergency as all bidders for large council contracts now have to demonstrate how they will reduce emissions…
… and operate sustainably during the delivery of services being procured Delivered two free re-use and repair cafes, with plans for at least four more • Launched a new Library of Things at Willesden Green Library 1500 new food caddies delivered to council owned blocks London’s first Fixing Factory has launched in Brent at the Abbey Road Household Re-use and Recycling Centre Through working with West…
…; a sustainable schools competition; and at least 25 school waste education assembles Held a successful ‘Brent Skills Summit 2021’ which ran over two days as part of the Brent Climate Festival in November 2021 Arranged for sustainability apprenticeships with green businesses as part of the council’s Apprenticeship scheme Transport (Sustainable travel…