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Search results for "sustainable development"

Including 4 closely related terms such as develop, development, and sustainability.

1 result

Adur District Council

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… contribution to adapting and mitigating the effects of climate change through carbon reduction ('decarbonisation') and sustainable design & construction. As a planning authority, Adur DC and Worthing BC must take account of relevant legislation, national policy, and guidance relating to climate change when determining planning applications and the preparation / review of Local Plans. Adur & Worthing…

… Councils have prepared a Planning and Climate Change Position Statement which provides guidance on the relevant planning policies (within the context of climate change) that must be taken into account when formulating development proposals. It should also be used as an aid to guide the decision-making process to ensure that development proposals contribute to the achievement of sustainable development

… and developers are therefore encouraged to meet them as far as possible. The emerging Worthing Local Plan is well advanced, and the following policies are of particular relevance: SP2 (Climate change) DM16 (Sustainable design) DM17 (Energy) DM18 (Biodiversity) DM19 (Green infrastructure) DM20 (Flood risk and sustainable drainage) DM21 (Water quality and sustainable water use) DM22 (Pollution…

… by 2030. The Councils have also signed the UK100 Cities Pledge to achieve 100% clean energy by 2050. In November 2018, the Councils' adopted an ambitious programme of action on sustainability under SustainableAW. The planning system is one of many tools that can be used to address climate change. The way in which we shape new and existing developments in Adur and Worthing can make a significant…


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