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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms street lighting, and lighting.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… within the Council’s estate and operations to achieve a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2017 and 40% by 2020, compared with 2008. This includes by 2017 a: o 36% CO2 reduction from council buildings; o 22% CO2 reduction from schools; o 30% CO2 reduction from street lighting; o 25% CO2 reduction from the Council’s main contractors; o 53% CO2 reduction from the Council’s office waste…

… their carbon footprint more quickly and in a sustainable way. Better insulation of buildings, more efficient boilers and new technology such as LED lighting save energy and therefore money. The Council saved £1.1 million in 2013–14 by reducing overall energy use from its own operations, with some of these savings achieved through renewable and green energy. If it achieves its target of reducing CO2…

… Dec-21 RBKC Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan 2016–2021 16 | P a g e No Action type Action Description NO2 PM CO2 Body responsible Target/ measure Deadline school’s Needs 11 C L Continue to install energy- efficient LED lighting in schools Deliver energy efficiency lighting projects within schools to increase the use of LEDs and reduce CO2…

… Deadline 27 H B Create safe areas for cyclists at traffic lights Consider opportunities for introducing Advanced Stop Lines for cyclists when reviewing traffic signals. Tr Traffic signal junctions reviewed Ongoing RBKC Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan 2016–2021 23 | P a g e No Action type Action Description NO2 PM CO2 Body responsible…


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