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Search results for "street lighting"

Including the closely related terms street lighting, and lighting.

1 result

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…, transport, waste and renewable power generation). We must lead by example and reduce emissions across our own estate, complete our street lighting programme and identify how we can target emission reductions via transport and procurement. 2. Prioritising action on climate change delivers many local benefits. As well as contributing to national net zero targets, carbon reduction programmes can bring…

… per annum that will take place virtually during the Covid- 19 pandemic. Green Staff Forum. Monthly 12 1.3.4. Provide net zero and climate training capacity building to members of the Energy & Sustainability Team to reduce reliance on consultancies to deliver work on the Green City workstream. Staff completing training courses e.g. LED lighting

… in Southend (Chalkwell Hall Infants; Chalkwell Hall Junior; St Mary’s Primary; New LED lighting and solar PV schemes delivered across four schools. Cost: £50k per school, all secured through Salix Reduction in energy consumption and carbon emissions at four schools, together with a replicable template that can be rolled Energy & Sustainability Team and Property Team…

… investment project at the Civic Centre, including a LED light replacement programme. Delivery of the energy saving investment at the Civic Centre. Cost: Covered via a Salix Finance interest free loan. Improvements in terms of energy efficiency at the Civic Centre, which will include new LED lighting. Property Team. Q3. 2021 2.1.5. Ensure that all energy…

… audit and master planning of the A13 active travel corridor. Completed consultation. Cost: Covered through Department for Transport Emergency Active Travel Fund (Tranche 2). Increased understanding of the options to increase active travel. Planning Team and Transport Team. Q4. 2021 2.4.6. Undertake a consultation that identifies the lighting


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