Including the closely related terms lighting, and street lighting.
…:// 10 Urban Foresight Progress to date To date Angus has achieved significant reductions in carbon emissions from its estate through reduced energy usage, improvements to the council housing stock, replacing street lighting with LEDs and introducing electric vehicles into the council fleet…
… was carried out in 2012. The BEI and MEI assessments are described below including a discussion on likely impact of the excluded sources. Emissions from energy, buildings, transport and waste For both the baseline and monitoring year, data was collected on the volume of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the energy consumption by sector (Buildings and Facilities; Street lighting; Transport…
…. Emissions based on fuel type Figure 3 shows Angus’ GHG emissions from different fuel types in 2005 and 2012. As with the above assessment, data was collected on the volume of greenhouse gas emissions from Buildings and Facilities; Street lighting and Transport. Emissions from Waste management are excluded. As can be seen, electricity was the largest sources of emissions in 2005 and 2012. Overall…
…) Municipal public lighting Residential buildings Tertiary (non-municipal) buildings, equipment/facilities Municipal buildings, equipment/facilities 18 Urban Foresight Figure 1 illustrates the emissions from each sector for 2005 and 2012. In order to facilitate comparison, emissions factors were used to translate all the emissions into carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). For more details…
… regarding the emissions factor approach, references and assumptions, please refer to the North East Scotland SEAP29. Between 2005 and 2012 Angus reduced its carbon emissions from the measured sources by approximately 84,376 tC02e, a saving of approximately 9.2%. As can be seen in Figure 1, almost all of the sectors saw a reduction in emissions with the exception of Public Lighting and Waste…